Before hiring a moving company make sure it is a BBB accredited moving provider. This is a clear factor that the moving company you have selected cares about its public image and is willing to provide a better customer oriented moving service. Having BBB as ensures one better move.

Xpress Movers - accredited BBB movers

Xpress Movers are accredited BBB movers

BBB Accredited Moving Company

Xpress Movers are one of the BBB movers with accreditation. We have asked Stoil Andreev – an operations manager for Eastern US about the process of accreditation of the BBB movers:

“Getting a BBB accreditation is not an easy task. To become a BBB accredited moving company you have to comply with certain rules. Better Business Bureau does not register every moving company. I personally always check a given business if it has a BBB accreditation before using its services. All our suppliers and partners are BBB accredited businesses.”

Mr. Andreev also pointed out the ability of the customers to interact with the movers through the BBB communication system and the positive effect on the moving services as a result.

Better Business Bureau offers some tips about hiring movers and moving companies. You can read the  BBB article that can help you with useful information. Having a BBB moving company moving your furniture is not a 100% guarantee that there will be absolutely no problems in the moving day, but it is a plus when choosing a relocation company. And here is one more thing to remember: always research your movers before hiring!